About Me

My photo
Palatine, Illinois
Deedles Photography began after a few visits to the local studio with Addison. Addison is a very special child with Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy due to the severe brain damage she suffered as a result of her extreme prematurity. Deanna and her family found it very difficult to get priceless memories in a studio setting due to Addison’s physical limitations and increased risk of contracting an illness. That’s when Deanna became interested in photography – she desperately wanted to capture those memories for her family! Deedles Photography specializes in many captured memory areas, including but not limited to, maternity, child portraiture, special events and engagement sessions. Deanna is working towards her accreditation through the Special Kids Photography of America association and she hopes to capture your special child’s memories!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Props ~ Accessories ~ Outfits

All of the props, accessories and outfits featured in this post are available for any photo session. Please contact deedlesphotography@gmail.com for further details.

Flower Hair Clips (Also available for purchase!)
Super Cute Gymboree Tutu
Size: 3T

Buttons & Bows by Sue
Darling Coat, Hat & Purse
Size: 12 Months (Will fit up to 2/4T)

Addison Parisol

Baby Gap Tutu Skirt & Leggings
Size: 2T

Gymboree Bumblebee Costume, Tights, Antennae Headband
(Note: Stock Photo)
Size: 12-18 Months

Stunning Prime Kids Dress & Headband
Size: 24 Months

Happy Birthday Hat

Buttons & Bows by Sue
Fairy Princess Tutu, Crown Headband & Wand
Size: 2/4T

Toys 'R' Us Neutral Plush Dog (Large)

Skyline Furniture Child's Pink Minky Dot Chair
(with or without the featured pillow)

Child's Rocking Lamb
Note: Stock Photo

Child's Pink Baby Grand Piano
Note: Stock Photo

Friday, October 15, 2010

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day - October 15th

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day

Did you know that today is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day?  Please take a moment to remember all babies born sleeping or whom we have carried but never met or those we have held but could not take home or the ones that came home but didn't stay.  Please light a candle today at 7:00pm for all of the babies lost too soon.   
Infant loss awareness is something that is very close to Deanna and her family’s heart.  On November 9th, 2007 Deanna and her partner Greta welcomed twins with overwhelming excitement and much fear.  The twins were born very early at 24 weeks and 6 days and were very small and very sick.  Addison was born into the world and Riley into Heaven. 
Deedles Photography is available for bereavement pictures to capture those special memories of your infant lost too soon.  Due to the sometimes emergent nature and spontaneity of these events Deanna might not always be available.  In Deanna’s absence, co-photographer and sister, Michelle Copeland, may be available for these special occasions.  Please understand if it is not possible for either of us to be available.  Rates for the sessions will vary and payment arrangements can be made 2-4 weeks after the session.
Featured above is Mason Anthony.  He was born on September 10th 2010 at 5:35pm and grew his wings at 8:35pm the same day.  Please take a moment to remember Mason and his family. 
Photos captured by Michelle Copeland and creative editing done by Deanna Gile.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

$72 Million

While driving with Addison to the ER this morning I noticed that the lottery is up to $72 million.  I started thinking about what I would do with $72 million and here it goes…
1.       $1M       Pay off debt, pay off another special needs/preemie family’s debt with the remainder
2.       $10M     Start a trust for Addison so she will always be taken care of when we are gone
3.       $1M       Donation to March of Dimes
4.       $1M       Donation to Children’s Memorial Hospital
5.       $1M       Donation to the Ronald McDonald House
6.       $1M       Donation to Arlington Pediatric Therapy Center
7.       $1M       Donation to revamp hundreds of playgrounds (or more) to completely accessible
8.       $1M       Donation to Infant Loss Support & Research
9.       $500K    Donation to CMH NICU to provide free support groups for families, free activities, welcome gift for all babies, huge stock of bereavement gowns and micro preemie outfits, huge stock of clothes, blankets, hats, booties and more!
10.   $1M       Write random checks to various friends and family (and even a few strangers) to help their situations
11.   $250K    Donation to Hydrocephalus Support & Research
12.   $250K    Donation to Cerebral Palsy Support & Research
13.   $250K    Donation to Epilepsy Support & Research
14.   $250K    Donation to Down Syndrome Support & Research
15.   $500K    Donation of 10+ accessible vans to families in need
16.   $10M     Start the non-profit “Addy’s Attic” which would provide basic items to NICU families in need (cribs, mattresses, blankets, diapers, formula etc.), it would also serve as a lending place for adaptive equipment and communication devices for Special Needs children
17.   $10M     Expand Addy’s Attic to include several studios that provide free professional photography services for Special Needs families
18.   $20M     Build a state of the art house for my family to include a therapy room, indoor therapy pool, fitness center (for moms!), adjoining bedrooms with a retractable wall so that we can be together when Addy is ill, accessible playground in the back yard, remembrance garden for Riley and more!
19.   $1M       Donation to as many non-profits as possible – Autism, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, Breast Cancer, and more!
20.   $1M       Buy my wife her Mini Cooper and her Mercedes!  (And get a couple state of the art accessible vehicles for our family)
21.   Remainder          Make some investments, hire a chef to cook healthy meals three times a day, hire a driver, hire a full time nanny for the dogs, hire a personal trainer, go shopping and travel the world with my family and share our story!
What would you do? 
Please leave a comment - I would love to know!
P.S.  Guess you gotta play to win!  LOL

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Down Syndrome Awareness Month - October

Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Down syndrome Facts:
  • Down syndrome is a genetic condition when an individual has an extra copy of the 21st chromosome, also called Trisomy 21
  • Down syndrome occurs in approximately one in every 733 live births
  • Down syndrome is the most frequently occurring chromosomal condition
  • Down syndrome is not related to race, nationality, religion or socioeconomic status
  • There are more than 400,000 people living with Down syndrome in the United States
  • 80% of children with Down syndrome are born to women under 35 years of age
  • The most important fact to know about individuals with Down syndrome is that they are more like others than they are different. 
Down syndrome Physical Features:
  • Low muscle tone
  • A single crease across the palm of the hand
  • Slightly flattened facial profile
  • Small stature
  • Upward slant to the eyes
  • Featured in this blog is Sean.  Sean has Down Syndrome but that does not define him.  What defines him is his sweet and gentle nature as well as his complete joy for life.  I had the pleasure of meeting Sean along with his mom and aunt at Brookfield Zoo this past week and captured sweet memories of him playing in the leaves.  Sean is wearing his Yoda costume designed by his Aunt Beth.  His Aunt Beth won the session free by posting to the Deedles Photography Facebook page!  Congratulations Beth, but I have to admit that I was the winner here – meeting Sean brought such joy to my day!

    Deanna is working towards her accreditation with the Special Kids Photography of America association and hopes she can capture your special kiddo’s memories.  Rates can be found under the Child Portraiture section of the blog or by emailing deedlesphotography@gmail.com .

    Monday, October 11, 2010

    National Coming Out Day - October 11th

    Celebrate National Coming Out Day Today!

    Today we celebrate National Coming Out Day and Deedles Photography is proud to be GLBT friendly!  We are coming out for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality because it's 2010 and almost 90% of GLBT youth experience harrassment in school, and too many lives have been lost.

    Featured in this blog are Matthew and Kevin.  They have been together for 10 years this November and are currently in the process of expanding their family through adoption.  I always have the pleasure of capturing memories for the boys since they are very good friends of mine!  I am very much looking forward to capturing memories of their future little one too!

    Deedles Photography is available for sessions for the special couple. Whether you are looking for engagement memories, anniversary memories or simply want to celebrate your love for one another - contact Deedles Photography today!  Rates for couples sessions can be found under the Engagement Blog or by contacting deedlesphotography@gmail.com .